Icon UK, Upgrading Connections and Adapting To Technology

This week I was at Icon UK at IBM’s offices on South Bank and as usual it was a great event.  Lots of technical and non technical content, attendees, speakers and sponsors and it gave me the chance to talk to people I rarely get to see (some I hadn’t seen since January).  It always give me a boost to attend a community event and reconnect in person with everyone.  There were several sessions I missed and wished I could have attended so I’ll keep an eye out for the the published slides.  In the meantime I thought I’d share the slides from my two sessions.

The first one is on upgrading Connections – this is a new session and I tried to take a lot of content and present it in a more accessible way.  I’d be interested in feedback on whether you think it’s useful though

My second session was with Mark Myers and we talked about the importance of learning to change your technology.  There aren’t many slides because it was an informal talk but the point I certainly wanted to make was that as technologists or engineers we need to stop identifying ourselves with a brand or a product or a system and instead identify ourselves around our areas of expertise which can cross into lots of technologies.  Once you take a step back and do that you realise things like “Cloud” are not a threat, they are an opportunity to bring the skills you already have into play.