Lotus Greenhouse Shutting Down – And What That Means For Me..

So if you login to Greenhouse now you will see a note saying that it will be retired in late 2015 or early 2016.  Although IBM have always said Greenhouse was a temporary environment and I assume they now want people using the Connections Cloud environment, this is going to be a big loss.   I’m hoping they have plans to replace the community that exists there.  I’m hoping even more they have plans to put the Solutions Catalog which is the only place to find downloads of the Connections plugins and even Connections Mail.  That last one makes me very twitchy.

…. Plus taking away Greenhouse removes the option for potential customers to test technology before committing (oh yes unless they have a cloud account, which isn’t so easy to get).

You have a plan for all of this right IBM? Like migrating everyone to a new environment where the solutions catalog still exists?  Like moving all the beta and idea discussion forums somewhere we can still get at them ?  Right?

IBM Connections Mobile – Issues On Android

This is one of those posts that scare me – I’m fairly sure someone else must have seen and blogged this but since I can’t find anything I am writing this up.

I recently did a Connections 5 install for a customer, it was a clean install on clean hardware.  We did migrate the data but not the artifacts (the lc-export function) because we wanted to have clean XML and configuration files. Once installed the mobile application worked perfectly on iOS but on Android there were no applications listed when you logged into the mobile application.  Since the configuration for mobile isn’t OS specific (or isn’t documented as being so) I assumed the mobile-config.xml was correct as it worked for iOS.  So the customer went ahead an opened a PMR, the response from IBM was

“Your Connections engineer missed a step in migrating the mobile application”

Well that’s strange because this wasn’t a migration and if I look at the migration documentation in the IBM Knowledge Centre there’s no mention of any tasks related to mobile-config.xml.  A follow up IBM email said we had a missing “NavigationGroups” section so I check the mobile-config.xml.  The section is there but with no real entries in the default version

<NavigationGroup name=”Favorites”>
<NavigationGroup name=”Updates”>
<NavigationGroup name=”Applications”>

The only document on the knowledge base that has the words “NavigationGroups” in it is the one that talks about extensibility of the Mobile app – here.  So OK, I take the example from there and attempt to modify my mobile-config.xml but on checking it back in using MobileConfigService.checkInConfig it returns an invalid XML error.  Looking at the IBM example it seems their XML structure is wrong.  If you are going to have an ApplicationList node entry then it MUST come after the Expanded and HideNavGroup entries.

The IBM suggested content is below – this fails

The ApplicationList node entry before the Expanded node entry is invalid XML structure

The ApplicationList node entry before the Expanded node entry is invalid XML structure

The final correct format I used is

<NavigationGroup name =”Favorites”>
<NavigationGroup name = “Updates”>
<NavigationGroup name = “Applications”>

I am still awaiting more testing but it does seem from IBM’s response that the Android OS requires this section to be completed in a way that the iOS OS doesn’t.  It’s not part of the migration documentation though

The IBM Docs Dilemma

IBM Docs is a really nice add on to IBM Connections, what’s more it’s not particularly hard to install.  It does have one requirement, a big one, a show stopping one, a requirement that prevented my customer build from working for about four weeks until IBM and I came up with an agreement for how it could work.  Hopefully this will help you fast forward through that four weeks yourself ..

IBM Docs Infrastructure – The Simple Version

IBM Docs has four component WebSphere servers with applications stored on each

IBM Docs Servers

The servers also need access to three data shares; the standard Connections share, a new share for IBM Docs data and a new share for IBM Docs Viewer.  I created the two new shared on the Linux server that currently hosted the CIFS Connections share and installed Samba to enable a Windows server to access them.

I had one problem where it consistently failed during install if I didn’t use capital letters for the mapped drives.  It didn’t refuse to accept lower case letters, it just failed the install.  If your install fails make sure you aren’t using lower case letters.


The key requirement for IBM Docs to actually work is that

1. The shares must use mapped drive letters and those drives letters must exist prior to the IBM Docs elements being started

2. The IBM recommendation for achieving this is to create a batch file on the IBM Docs OS (which must be partially if not wholly Windows) to do the drive mapping and have that load in Windows task scheduler on startup.

3. The WAS servers must then be run as services not using a system account but using a named Windows account that matches the one assigned to run the batch file in task scheduler

This solution had two problems, I hated it, and it didn’t work.

I hated this idea because my customer doesn’t run AD at all and their share was a samba share on a Linux box using CIFS.  That means there is no account that can be used to start the services that can also be used to map the drives. There is no easy way to have Windows pass credentials to mount the shares without storing both the name and password that samba recognises in the batch file – like this

net use m: \\hubshared\ibmdocsdata sambapassword /user:sambaaccount
net use n: \\hubshared\ibmdocsview sambapassword /user:sambaaccount
net use l: \\hubshared\conntestshare sambapassword /user:sambaaccount

Unfortunately after several weeks of different ideas from L3 support we admitted defeat to allow me to move on with the install.  I have minimised risk by ensuring the account isn’t a linux account and only has access to the samba shares.

The second part of the solution is the assumption that if you map the drives through task scheduler owned by a Windows user and that same Windows user starts the WAS services – the WAS services will be able to see the mapped drives.  To everyone’s disappointment that absolutely didn’t work because Microsoft kindly mapped the drives from the batch file in a different session to the one where it started the WAS services.  The servers couldn’t see the mapped drives.

So the install was simple but getting everything running securely and without the customer having to manually do anything held us up for weeks.  In the end I opted for a solution where I created a batch file to both map the drives and then start the WAS servers in a scheduled startup script.  That worked beautifully and this is what it looks like

net use m: \\hubshared\ibmdocsdata sambapassword /user:sambaaccount
net use n: \\hubshared\ibmdocsview sambapassword /user:sambaaccount
net use l: \\hubshared\conntestshare sambapassword /user:sambaaccount

Call “c:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\IBMDocs\bin\startnode”
Call “c:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\IBMConversion\bin\startnode”
Call “c:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\IBMViewer\bin\startnode”
Call “c:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\IBMDocsProxy\bin\startnode”

As you can see I only start the nodeagents. The servers themselves and the applications on them are bootstrapped to the start of those. To do that modify the server’s monitoring policy which is found under Java and Process Management for each server


Then set the “Node Restart State” to “RUNNING”

bootstrap nodeagents

My Caffeinated Sessions At Social Connections

I’m delighted to say that I will be speaking at Social Connections in Boston this April.  It’s a great conference entirely about all aspects of Social Software and IBM Connections.  I like to try something different so I asked for 30 minute slots for my technical sessions this year

Staying On Top Of Connections Administration

From SSL certificates to setting up application security and rebuilding searches, we’ll cover how to identify the most common problems and resolve them quickly.

To do this we’ll also discuss how to set up logging and review both IHS and WAS logs and the key information you’ll need to supply IBM when opening any PMR (and where to find it).

I then have a session on Connections identities and LDAP with Terri Warren called

Who Does Connections Think I Am?

and one on designing a Connections environment – this one is only 15 minutes long.  You can give up 15 minutes to hear how to plan your Connections environment can’t you?

Connections Design From The Bottom Up

To see the full agenda for Social Connections or better yet, to register, click here

See you there!