Upgrading Filenet – Something To Watch Out For

Last night I was working on a Connections CR2 upgrade that included upgrading Filenet.    I was using this very nice piece of documentation from IBM on a lab walkthrough of upgrading to CR2 here .  To date my biggest problem with FileNet has been finding all the files needed and that’s especially true of the CR2 update files but I got there.  What tripped me up was upgrading the CE Client and FNCS (section 3.4.5 on the document).  The sample command is

update-fncs-ceclient.bat -was.dm.path “C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\Dmgr01” – was.admin.user wasadmin -was.admin.password Passw0rd -fncs.fp.installer.location “c:\Downloads\FNCR2\IBM_CONTENT_NAVIGATOR- WIN.exe” -doInstallFNCS y -ceclient.fp.installer.location “C:Downloads\FNCR2\Filenet cr2\5.2.1-P8CPE-CLIENT-WIN.EXE” – doInstallCEClient y

The problem is that this script ran for about 6 minutes then bombed out.  I checked the fn-fncs-ceclient-update.log file in c:\ibm\connections\ccm\ccm\ccm\scripts (where the script is run from) and it showed a failure to make a SOAP connection (after it had already successfully made one earlier in the script).  I then checked wsadmin.traceout in the Dmgr profile under logs and saw references to “WASX7198W websphere The configuration service is not running” and other failures logging in like “empty credentials”.

OK so the problem was my login credentials used in the script for admin account and password right? Wrong.  Because that works fine earlier in the script. In fact the first thing it does is make a SOAP connection to the Dmgr server.  OK.  So the problem is that my password for the admin account contained a ! – we all know that WAS doesn’t like encoding and decoding special characters right?  Wrong. I tried another account, and another,  I tried wasadmin but that failed (and I wondered if that was because it was a FileNet update and FileNet wants an LDAP account).  At this point i’m bouncing between accounts trying to get this working.  I get the customer to remove the ! and give me a password with no special characters.  Still no luck.

Then I think a bit more.  What if the script isn’t using the values I gave it to run but instead is assuming they are already there in soap.client.props and is attempting to read them from that file. I go to check soap.client.props under Dmgr\properties and there is no value stored there at all.  I add my admin credentials in there and the script runs perfectly.

Today’s lesson is don’t assume a script you are running is using the credentials you give it!